摘 要:隨著科技的進步和計算機網絡的飛速發展,教育在人們生活中開始占有很重要的地位。為了讓人們的學習過程可以不受地域、時間限制,使得教學資源能在最大范圍內實現共享,產生了課程教學網站。
計算機專業英語是計算機科學以及相關專業的一門重要的專業課,為了能夠熟練掌握計算機專業相關的專業英語知識,課堂教學和網絡化教學資源都是必不可少的。本網站采用B/S模式,使用ASP作為開發語言,用SQL Server 2005開發后臺數據庫。該課程網站能夠為學生提供豐富的知識庫和信息庫,師生可以隨意方便地討論,以及交流學習心得。
關鍵詞:課程網站 ASP SQL Server
Abstract:As the advancement of technology and the rapid development of computer networks, education begins to play a very important position in people’s lives. To make people’s learning process can be not subject to geographical and time contraints,making teaching resources can be achieved with in the maximum share, resulting in a teaching site.
Computer professional English is an important courses about computer science and related professional courses, in order to be able to master computer science related professional knowledge of English, classroom teaching and network teaching resources are essential. This site uses B/S mode, the use of ASP as a development language, with the SQL Server 2005 database as development background. The courses site can provide students with a wealth of knowledge and information base, and students can freely and easily discuss and exchange of learning experiences.
Keywords:Courses websites ASP SQL Server