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The Ecological civilization village tourism development research of Hainan province
Tourism management
Chen Xiaoliu
[Abstract] Based on the domestic and foreign tourism development present situation and development potential of ecological Wen Mingcun analysis, SWOT model and analyzes the sustainable development of tourism in Hainan Province ecological Wen Mingcun, summarizes the ecological Wen Mingcun of Hainan Province tourism problems encountered in practice: ecological Wen Mingcun connotation, Hainan ecological Wen Mingcun survey and how to develop ecological tourism market. And put forward corresponding countermeasures: adopt the method of chart analysis to understand the current situation of tourism development of ecological Wen Mingcun verify, on this basis, through to our country tourism development through analyzing the related literature, the use of process analysis to the related information processing summarized, relevant results, hope to the healthy development of the tourism of Hainan ecological Wen Mingcun gain.
[Key words] Tourism development; Ecological civilization village; Hainan province;